Thursday, November 09, 2006

Can we measure the drapes now?

I want to be magnanimous in victory, I really do. I don’t want to be smug, or adopt an “I told you so” attitude with my Republican friends and family. Still.

We Democrats have endured years of demonization by the likes of Bush, Limbaugh, Coulter, Cheney, Inghram, O’Reilly, and their ilk. By last week, they had come to equate being a Democrat with supporting Osama bin Laden. For most of the Bush years, we’ve endured humiliation from Fox News on a nightly basis. Unpatriotic. Deranged. Immoral. Being a Democrat began to feel like it might have been to be a Jew in the early days of Nazi Germany, or black in the South.

Yesterday I felt like I had been liberated. Democrats went from being the devil’s spawn to being seen as the saviors of democracy.

And I want to be generous and kind-hearted after the way we were treated during the years in the wilderness. Still.



At 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know how to celebrate any more. I have never really worked for any candidate--I just talk a lot and try to stay informed--gently inform others--and vote. I did and this time it went our way. But, if I were Nancy P, I'd have a big meeting with the DEMS and say this: "If any one of you dares to compromise this opportunity with some nasty low-life political moves, some immoral behavior, some money grubbing influence peddling, I'll throw you so far under the bus, you won't ever see daylight again!" And I'd use my "mother of five" voice.

At 7:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know how to celebrate any more. I have never really worked for any candidate--I just talk a lot and try to stay informed--gently inform others--and vote. I did and this time it went our way. But, if I were Nancy P, I'd have a big meeting with the DEMS and say this: "If any one of you dares to compromise this opportunity with some nasty low-life political moves, some immoral behavior, some money grubbing influence peddling, I'll throw you so far under the bus, you won't ever see daylight again!" And I'd use my "mother of five" voice.


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