Saturday, October 13, 2007

Uninspired, betrayed, puzzled

I haven’t posted here for nearly two months. By now, anyone who visited this blog from time to time has probably abandoned it and I don’t blame them.

There was a time I believed reason would prevail and Americans would wake up to how they’re being fucked over by their own “government.” All through the 2006 election I was fired up, and when Democrats took control of the house and senate, I had a momentary sense of elation. How foolish I was.

We’re coming up on a year since the voters showed their disapproval with the status quo. 70% of us want out of the insane nightmare Bush created in Iraq, but our timid and appeasing Democrats have decided to let the madman carry on. This is not why I—and hundreds of others—walked the dreary streets of Cape Girardeau, Missouri on election day to get out the vote for Claire McCaskill. This is not why my fellow patriots from coast to coast threw their money and effort into similar causes.

How did it take me all this time to realize that our political system is merely a diversion? A way to siphon off our anger and energy, into harmless posturing that brings only the same result no matter who wins? War. Exploitation of the poor and middle class. A system that channels money to the obscenely wealthy ruling class faster than they can spend it. I’m over it.

The thought of Hillary Clinton posturing as an agent of change is laughable, pathetic. I’m at a loss for how to channel my anger. Time for a new American revolution.



At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is what sent us back to the land in the 70's-- I understand completely. I've made peace with the awful compromises and will try to find strong arguments for supporting Hillary. I don't know what else to do. Gail


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