Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Elizabeth Edwards for President

This just in from Elizabeth Edwards about Cindy Sheehan. This kind of compassion sure beats Laura's brownies and lemonade:

"This is a mother who raised her son to love his country enough to serve," she writes. "This is a mother who lived the impossible life of a mother of a soldier serving in Iraq, unable to sleep when he sleeps, unable to sleep when he is on duty, unable to watch the television, unable to stop watching the television. And when the worst does happen, when the world comes crashing down and she puts the boy she bore, the boy she taught, the boy she loved in the ground, what does that government say to her? It says we'll do the talking; we don't need to hear from you. If we are decent and compassionate, if we know the lessons we taught our children, or if, selfishly, all we want is the long line of the brave to protect us in the future, we should listen to the mothers now."


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